Wednesday July 10 2019

CPC has informed our Union that Great-West Life will be the benefit provider for the Extended Health Care Plan (EHCP), the Vision and Hearing Plan (V&H), the Dental Plan and the Long Term Disability Insurance (LTD).



Great-West is currently the benefit provider for the EHCP, the V&H and the Dental Plan. What is new for Great-West Life is that they will now be the benefit provider for Long Term Disability Insurance. Currently Sun Life is the benefit provider for LTD.



There will be a transition from Sun Life to Great-West Life. Most members will not notice the change. Premiums will stay the same and there will be no change in how the premiums will be deducted.

Members who are currently on LTD will still be covered by Sun Life and will continue to have their claim administered by Sun Life. Any absence that started before July 1st and continues beyond the 30 weeks of Short Term Disability (STDP) coverage will have Sun Life administer their Long Term Disability claim. Great-West Life will be the benefit provider for absences that commence on or after July 1st.



A lot of work will need to be done to ensure our members will be protected as a result of the change.

There will be a new plan document for the Long Term Disability Plan. CUPW will review the entire document to ensure that our member’s rights and benefits are protected and remain the same.

We will also need to ensure that the members who remain with Sun Life will have their rights protected as well.


In solidarity,

Carl Girouard

National Grievance Officer

By |2019-07-14T19:17:11-07:00July 14th, 2019|News Bulletins|Comments Off on Great-West Life to Replace Sun Life