All members of the committee have now arrived in Ottawa and are hard at work preparing their files and researching our demands for both the RSMC and urban units. The members of the committee understand how important and difficult this round of bargaining will be and are determined and prepared to do what it takes to achieve gains for both bargaining units.

This Round Has Many Challenges

There are many factors at play that will impact this round of bargaining.

These include:

We can’t predict what impact these pending changes and announcements will have on the negotiations but they will all play an important part.
The links above will lead you to more information on each of these factors.

Night Router Pilot in Laval

The Night Router Pilot Project (see was implemented on September 18 in the Laval-West depot In Montreal. The negotiating committee attended a rally in Laval on September 14 to tell Canada Post that this initiative is unacceptable. We must continue to fight for our health and safety and this initiative is putting letter carriers on the street for even longer each day. This will become an issue during this round of bargaining.

Ratification Meetings

Meetings to ratify the national program of demands have begun and continue until October 28. This important vote is your next step in getting involved in our bargaining process. Find your local’s meeting on the schedule at and come out to show your support for our negotiators!

Sign up for CUPW’s e-Digest:

We are determined and we will fight with you!


Sylvain Lapointe – Chief Negotiator, Urban Bargaining Unit
Nancy Beauchamp – Chief Negotiator, RSMC Bargaining unit