Tuesday March 20 2018
More than 1/3 of workers in Canada have or will experience domestic violence in their lifetime, and for more than half of those affected, the violence has followed them to work.  We need to remove the stigma that domestic violence is a private matter.

Impact in the workplace

The University of Western Ontario, in conjunction with the Canadian Labour Congress, produced and researched a pan-Canadian survey on domestic violence and the workplace.  Its findings shed a light on the overwhelming need for support and interventions in the workplace.
“Over 80 percent of those who reported experiencing domestic violence reported that it negatively affected their work performance.  Almost 9% indicated they had lost their job as a result.  The impact of domestic violence is wide-ranging, 37% reported that their co-workers were also affected; co-workers were stressed or concerned about the abusive situation”.

What we can do about it as a Union!

We have a fundamental need to acquire language in our collective agreement that not only addresses the requirements to have paid leave but also protections from discipline and adverse actions because of domestic violence.  Workplace policies must be relevant and accessible to all employees.

Seek Help!

  • If you are concerned for your own or someone else’s immediate safety, call 911
  • If you or a friend need help, call a 24-hour domestic violence help line in your area
  • Sheltersafe.ca provides a clickable map of shelters across Canada, including their phone numbers for around-the-clock support
  • The Employee Assistance Program: 1-866-565-4903 can also provide additional support
  • The Union is continuing to develop a social steward network that would be a resource to provide additional support and direction to those in need.  We are negotiating to have this important role reflected in the collective agreement


No one should have to choose between their safety and their job!


Nancy Beauchamp
Chief Negotiator, RSMC Bargaining Unit
Sylvain LapointeChief Negotiator, Urban Bargaining Unit