Monday March 19 2018

CUPW is looking for RSMC members who would like to become facilitators.  This responsibility consists of delivering training to your Sisters and Brothers on the work floor.  The training would include work methods and the use of the reaching device (RRD) for mail delivery to rural mailboxes.

Facilitators called upon to provide the training will be compensated the higher of either one hundred and thirty-five dollars ($135) per day or their daily wage for any day of training related to the RRD system, less statutory deductions. The Canada Post Travel Policy for Unionized Employees will be applied.

We are looking for trainers specifically in the following locations:

  • Mauricie (Quebec)
  • Prince Edward Island (Atlantic)
  • London, Oakville, Toronto east, and Peterborough (Ontario)
  • Timmins (Northern Ontario)
  • Saskatoon (Saskatchewan)
  • Camrose, Spruce Grove and Red Deer (Alberta); and Portage la Prairie (Manitoba)
  • Fraser Valley and Surrey (Pacific)

As a facilitator, you might be required to travel between offices in your region.  Those who are interested should be readily available, be good communicators and have the ability to convey information effectively.

If interested, please contact your union representative or your Local and provide your contact information (name, employee number, postal address, route name and post office) before April 9, 2018.

In solidarity,

Marc Roussel
National Union Representative – Health and Safety