Thursday August 2 2018
After two frustrating months of “intense negotiations”, none of our major demands have been the object of an agreement in principle. It seems to us that CPC is just stalling… Here are a few of our demands that have been the focus of discussion for the past months.
Job Security – The achievement of pay equity is not a gain if CPC eliminates our jobs. It is imperative that we achieve job security for our members during this round of negotiations. Canada Post’s response: No comment.
Hourly Rate of Pay – We have presented demands for RSMCs to be paid an hourly wage equal to Letter Carriers. Canada Post is not open to discussing an hourly wage for RSMCs.
Paid for all hours worked– We have had many discussions about the importance of our members being paid for all hours worked, including overtime. Canada Post’s response: we are content with the current system.
Route Management System (RMS) and Restructure Language – We have attempted to have Canada Post participate in a discussion on a new RMS and solutions to fix routes through a new restructure process. Canada Post stated that the RMS is inflated and provides for more time to accomplish the work than is required. They’re not interested in changing the current system because they are satisfied with it.
Equality – The recent Pay Equity decision recognizes the work of RSMCs is of equal value to the work of Letter Carriers. However this does not provide equal working conditions and work rules. Canada Post has no interest in equality for RSMCs.
Canada Post has brought two proposals to the bargaining table for RSMCs:
Make a change to the route restructure definition that would impact your pay;
Take away your ability to choose your own winter footwear by providing boots that they deem appropriate.
Does Canada Post really believe they can get a new collective agreement without taking your demands into consideration?
Unlike the message promoted by the new senior management, the only thing we get at the bargaining table is a lack of respect for RSMCs.
RSMCs need to let Canada Post know that we have had enough with how we are being treated, and that status quo is not acceptable. It is now up to all of you to send a loud and clear message to Canada Post that you support your demands by voting yes for a strike mandate and you will do what it takes to get the collective agreement that you deserve.
In solidarity,
Nancy Beauchamp
Chief Negotiator, RSMC Bargaining Unit
Sylvain Lapointe
Chief Negotiator, Urban Bargaining Unit