Friday August 24 2018
It has been a struggle during this round of negotiations to build any kind of momentum.
We may have finally managed to get things moving. We have an agreement on Access to Information for letter carrier routes and restructures.


A Ten-Year Struggle

We have been fighting to achieve access to the information and the software the employer uses to build letter carrier routes for ten years. It was sometime in 2008 that the employer started using Georoute and AIM (Address Information Management System) to build letter carrier routes. Since that time, we have not had the ability to properly and accurately verify the data used to build the routes. That struggle has ended.

What Did We Achieve?

We now have access to Georoute and AIM software as well as the ZHMailPlan which is the database for neighbourhood mail. The employer shall provide the union with 18 laptops to be used to access these programs. These will be distributed to the National and Regional offices. We have access to the full detailed Depot Mail Volume Index (DMVI) including the container counts and conversion factors. This will allow us to ensure that the DMVI is accurate. The DMVI has a huge impact on the workload and % of coverage for letter carrier routes. There are many other reports and documents that we will now have access to. This will be the first time since the introduction of Georoute that we will be able to verify the accuracy of the letter carrier routes.
We have also secured in the agreement access to any documents or software should the employer change current systems or software.

Many More Steps to Go

There are still many important demands left to resolve but access to information is key if we want to ensure the proper application of the collective agreement and the related work rules. We still need to address access to information for Groups 1, 3 & 4 and RSMCs.  The negotiating committee continues to work on the rest of the demands, as there is still much to achieve.

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In Solidarity!
Sylvain Lapointe
Chief Negotiator, Urban Unit
Nancy Beauchamp
Chief Negotiator, RSMC Bargaining Unit