Wednesday November 21 2018
So far Canada Post has not moved on any of our key issues. Justice Firestone stated in his decision that after the Conservative Government introduced the back-to-work legislation in 2011, that Canada Post hardened their position in bargaining. The effect of this legislation was to “substantially interfere” and “to disrupt the balance of a meaningful process of collective bargaining”.
Now We Wait and Prepare to Fight
We are still here and ready to negotiate, but what about Canada Post? We do not know what will be in the back-to-work legislation. No matter what, you have to be prepared to fight for your constitutional right for free collective bargaining. We went to court and won this fight after the 2011 legislation. We will fight once again, should that right be taken away.
Messaging From CPC Interim President and CEO
This afternoon while the parties were working with the mediator to try and make some progress, a letter from Jessica McDonald was being handed out on the work floor. This letter is a sales pitch from Canada Post trying to convince you that they tabled offers that addressed your concerns. This is not true. Nothing in Canada Post’s proposals dealt with short-term solutions to over-burdening and inequality. Nothing to reduce the day-to-day burden that you all face and nothing to address paying RSMCs for all hours worked.
Time to Remain Strong and United
The last four weeks have been very difficult for all postal workers and their families. With the impending legislation, things will get more difficult. We have shown Canada Post that we will not back down. We are proud and we will fight for what we deserve.
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