Tuesday November 13 2018


Canada Post Corporation (CPC) began to implement Postal Transformation (PT) in 2010. CUPW saw numerous problems with it, which we began to fight to correct right away. One of the issues that we’re still working on, is the multiple-bundle delivery method for letter carriers handling sequenced mail.

The method reduced the amount of inside work in the depot, and increased time spent on the street, in the elements. While delivering in the previous system, letter carriers could sort all mail into their case, for a single tie-out and a single bundle to carry in the hand. This new method also came with longer routes, and a reduction of letter carrier positions.

Wherever PT has been implemented, delivery is more complicated, more time consuming, and more dangerous. After eight years we’re still trying to correct these problems in arbitration.

What We Need to Resolve

The safest way to deliver mail is to merge the manual and sequenced mail at the sortation case and then carry only one bundle of mail on the route. Merging and sorting mail on the street while walking, or in the back of a vehicle is unsafe and will jeopardize the safety of letter carriers.

For the past 11 months, Canada Post continues to ignore this key demand. We will not give up!

Support our negotiators and stay informed on twitter (@cupw) and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/cupwsttp/. For regular email updates with all the latest, join eDigest: https://www.cupw.ca/cupw-eDigest.

Health and Safety Cannot Be Compromised!