Tuesday January 22 2019
The first two days of hearings, in front of Arbitrator MacPherson, are now complete. Much of the time was spent clarifying the “matters” that are still in dispute and will be argued during the arbitration. After hearing the submissions from the CUPW and Canada Post counsels, the arbitrator made her ruling on the matters that are in dispute.
The parties agreed that a traditional interest arbitration was the preferred method and the arbitrator agreed. The case will continue as an interest arbitration with witnesses and evidence. There will be no final offer selection. There were other submissions made by the parties related to process and the arbitrator will issue her decision on these process issues on January 28, 2019.
The next hearing dates will be on February 12, 19 and 21, 2019. This is when the parties will start to present their evidence on the various matters in dispute, some of which are very complex. The Corporation is making this process more difficult by refusing to provide the details of its position on the matters in dispute, until the last possible moment, in spite of continuously saying that they do not want an adversarial process.
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