April 5, 2019
A PhD candidate at the University of Quebec in Montreal is studying mental health in the workplace, with a focus on postal workers. The findings will benefit workers generally, and CUPW specifically. In general, studying stresses and mental health effects will help address risk factors for mental health issues, and mitigate and treat the effects. CUPW will learn more about workplace stress and its mental health impact from the project’s final report.
The research aims to better understand the stresses that you experience at work and their impact on your well-being. It also seeks to learn about resources that may help you cope with your work stress.
The researchers would be most grateful if you would take about 20 minutes of your time to complete a questionnaire.
This research spans a period of three months. Therefore, you will also be invited to answer a similar questionnaire in late spring 2019.
- It’s confidential. Your answers will remain strictly confidential and will be used only for this research. Nobody at CUPW or CPC will know your answers.
- It’s simple. To complete the questionnaire in English, click on the following link and then on « create an account »: http://www.uqtr.ca/CUPW_members_ mental_health
- Advantages. The research team will make a donation to the charity of your choice among a list of preselected charitable organizations.
- Take it before it closes. Please complete the questionnaire by Friday April 12. 2019
- Questions? For more information about this project, please do not hesitate to contact the project coordinator, Mrs. Angeliki Pitsikoulis, by email : pitsikoulis.angeliki@courrier.uqam.ca
In Solidarity,
George Floresco
3rd National Vice-President