Saturday August 3 2019

It has officially begun…

Fellow Foodora workers – On Wednesday, July 31st at 4:15pm, Foodsters United (CUPW) filed an application for certification of our union to the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB). A package was also delivered to Foodora HQ by a delegation of workers. This is a historic moment for couriers and gig workers in Ontario. We will now have a vote on Thursday to win our right to have our union certified!

We’re so close to victory, but let’s not forget why this campaign started.

It started because so many of us struggle to pay bills on a wage that has never increased, that doesn’t account for wait times or distance actually travelled, or the huge expenses drivers and riders incur.

It started because worker injuries are serious and rampant yet Foodora has never done anything to improve our conditions.

It started because for any and all our concerns from riders and drivers, from across the city throughout the years, Foodora has never once listened to our concerns. Drivers and riders are united to VOTE YES for courier rights!


The Labour Board will determine a time and place for the vote on Thursday, August 8th. We are asking for multiple locations across the city and multiple times to make voting as accessible as possible.

We will send all of this information out as soon as we get it. You can also check back on our website for exact voting times and locations.


Claim: “If we gain dependent contractor status, we won’t have the freedom to work for other apps too.”
TRUTH: A dependent contractor is someone for whom certain working conditions like scheduling and other rules are determined by the employer – as is the case with Foodora. Dependent contractors still have the right to have more than one employer or client. Having a union doesn’t change that.

Claim: “The union will just take your money through union dues.”
If Foodora really cared about how much money was in your pocket, they would have raised your pay in the last 3 years!

TRUTH: The improvements in pay, benefits, and fair treatment you gain from a union are far greater than the cost in dues. We are the union and, because it’s ours, it’s an investment in ourselves. Remember, you don’t pay dues until we win our first contract. Any contract has to be approved by a vote of all of the workers!

Claim: “We don’t need a union to come between us.”
TRUTH: The union doesn’t come between us and Foodora. The union is us – it’s our power. That’s what Foodora is worried about.

Claim: “They won’t sign a contract even if you vote for the union.”
Foodora may tell you that they won’t sign a contract even if you vote for the union.

TRUTH: Foodora is legally required to negotiate with your union.

Every company talks tough before workers organize, but the truth is, it’s in Foodora’s interest to keep its workers satisfied and the business running. We want the company to succeed – it’s our jobs! Why would Foodora threaten the people (couriers) who make its business a success?

A union means we have a say in how we get paid.
A union means no more getting injured and being unable to pay bills.
A union means rights, freedom, and fairness.