Wednesday September 11 2019
It is now official; Canadians will choose their new federal representatives and next government on October 21, 2019.
CUPW has been preparing for weeks to make sure our voice is heard, and that candidates and parties address the postal issues that matter to the public during this important democratic process.
During the last federal election, in 2015, postal workers had a clear goal: save the public postal service. Eight thousand jobs were at stake, as well as the future of door-to-door delivery. We campaigned hard, resulting in a defeat of the Harper government that was threatening our jobs.
A Liberal government was elected. This government has not always been a friend to postal workers. We are all still rightly angry that they violated our right to collective bargaining and forced us back to work in November 2018.
But we have made some gains: the Liberal government stopped the conversion to community mailboxes and maintained door-to-door delivery, but failed to restore this service to communities who lost it. They have committed to reinvesting Canada Post’s profits into new and innovative services.
Also, the NDP, the Green Party and the Bloc Québécois have been big supporters of our issues — including standing up against back-to work legislation. When we vote in a few weeks, let’s not forget what it was like a few short years ago under a Conservative government.
Canada Post behaves differently when the Conservatives are in power – they tried to cut door-to-door delivery completely, they implemented postal transformation despite its issues and they push for rollbacks during every round of bargaining.
In the lead-up to this election, we need clear commitments in support of postal worker issues so that the public can vote accordingly.
This time around, we want to put forward our vision of a post office for everyone. We know the post office should and can be sustainable in all ways.
We can reduce pollution and greenhouse gases, keep the service financially self-sufficient, support our communities and protect good jobs. Canada Post, like all employers, has a part to play in making sure we are leaving our world a better place for our families.
We can add postal banking services so communities in dire need across the country can have the financial services they deserve. Plus, it can create profits to reinvest locally.
We have already proposed numerous ways for Canada Post to address climate change, innovate for the future and protect postal jobs. Most of them are found in Delivering Community Power, CUPW’s vision for the future of the postal service.
CUPW is taking this election very seriously. We are committing resources to ensure the public and the membership understand the issues and what is at stake for our jobs and our future.
We have full time coordinators working across the country from now until Election Day to help Locals mobilize members and meet with people in our neighbourhoods.
We are going to need your support. We are going to need volunteers. Contact your regional coordinator to get your local involved.
Find out what you can do to help push our issues and elect climate and worker-friendly candidates in your community.
Our power is our numbers. We are 54,000 strong across the country.
Together, we can inform our members and our neighbours, let them know where the different parties stand on our issues. And make sure to go out and vote!
Let’s make sure all candidates know what we stand for!
- Diane Mitchell, National –
- George Nickerson, Atlantic –
- Judith Nadeau, Québec –
- Magali Giroux, Montréal –
- Laurie Toms, Central –
- Angela Jones, Toronto –
- Derek Richmond, Ontario –
- Daniella McMaster, Ontario –
- Amanda Nicholls, Prairies –
- Patrick Ward, Pacific –
Canadian Union of Postal Workers • 377 Bank Street • Ottawa, ON • K2P 1Y3 • 613-236-7238
In Solidarity,
Jean-Philippe Grenier
3rd National Vice-President
Wednesday September 11, 2019
Hello Sisters & Brothers,
As promised I am attempting to keep the number of emails limited.
ELECTION TO BE CALLED SEPTEMBER 11, 2019. And just in time the CLC is offering training for members current and past who are or want to be active in the upcoming election. It is possible that either the CONServatives or Liberals could get a majority government, that should be incentive enough for Postal Workers to get involved in there communities.
Later this week I will be sending you each information on ridings we are targeting in your area in an effort to not end up with a Majority Government that tramples on our right for free collective bargaining. I will also be calling you over the next week and a half to see what we can make happen.
The CLC is offering a federal election training camp links are below, please pass along to the membership.
Vancouver :
September 14, 2019, 9:30am PST @ 6550 Bonsor Ave, Burnaby, BC, V5H 3G4
Surrey :
September 19, 2019, 9:00am PST @ 13512 108th Ave, (near Gateway SkyTrain station), Surrey, BC, V3T 2K3
Hear from labour leaders about our election plans. Get the skills to ensure worker-friendly candidates win.
There is limited space and we are to RSVP if attending.
In solidarity,
Patrick Ward
Federal Election Coordinator Pacific Region
Canadian Union of Postal Workers
(250) 488 – 2887