Monday March 9 2020

The National Executive Board adopted the following resolution:

“The National Executive Board approves a delegation up to eight (8) members, including full-time union representatives and grassroots members, to participate in May Day activities in Havana, Cuba, from April 27 to May 4. The members of the delegation will be chosen by the NEB from among the candidates who have submitted an application.

The 2020 CUPW delegation will participate in May Day activities and the International Solidarity Conference in Cuba. They will meet with postal workers, visit postal facilities and learn about the Appendix Solidarity Project “R” of the urban collective agreement.


You are invited to apply now. The choice of participants will be based on the following criteria:

  • Candidates that have demonstrated their commitment to the Union;
  • Priority will be given to candidates who have experience in delegation files and activities;
  • The delegation must have an equal number of participants identifying as men and women, except in extraordinary circumstances;
  • Whenever possible, the delegation will include members from equity seeking groups.

Upon their return, participants will be required to write a report of 300 to 500 words on their experience as a member of the delegation, their report will be distributed to the members.


To apply you must complete the attached form and send it to the attention of Don Foreman, email

In solidarity,

Don Foreman
National Union Representative – Under direction of NEC

***Any sisters and or brothers who are interested in applying, our CUPW Royal City Local has created a convienent online (fillable)APPLICATION_FORM_CUBA for you to fill in your required information. Once completed, save to your computer, and send as an attachment to Brother Don Foreman above.***

In solidarity,

CUPW Royal City Local 740