Friday July 3 2020

Ignite Change! Global Assembly of Workers Aims to Create Big Transition!

Workers the world over are disrespected in a race to the bottom. Now, we are assembling virtually, together across the planet to develop far-reaching changes that favour sustainability for workers, our communities and the planet in the post-COVID world. Enough is enough.  Everyone is invited to take part!

CUPW is one of five Canadian and 41 international co-convenor unions for this worldwide assembly called:

Pandemic and Beyond: Workers Organizing for a Public Future

 This assembly will discuss many issues, including, but not limited to:

·      Defending and Restoring Vital Public Services: Health, Education, Post and Transport;

·      Beyond Insecurity: A New Approach to Work, Wages and Wealth Distribution;

·      Making Austerity History: Reclaiming Finance to Pay for the Future We Want.

This is an opportunity to engage with workers in Canada and other countries to think collectively about ways to impose the seismic and profound change necessary to the world’s dysfunctional economic and social systems. These are the systems that drive profit at the expense of human dignity and unhealthy workplaces.

CUPW was approached to take part in this far-reaching initiative because internationally we are known for our Delivering Community Power campaign and our goal to create a sustainable postal service while addressing the climate emergency.

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy invited CUPW to be a co-convenor of this meeting, and we have been contributing to the development of a broad program to address different issues around workers’ rights, the climate emergency, and the sustainability of workers, communities and the planet.

These historic assemblies will take place over the summer months:


Opening Meeting

July 9, 2020

Thematic Sessions

August 20, 2020

August 25, 2020
September 1st, 2020
September 3, 2020

September 27, 2020

Closing Assembly

September 10, 2020

Each session takes place at 7:30 a.m. ET and will last two hours.

Change only comes when we make it happen. As workers, we must unite and act. This is the only way to counter the misery perpetrated worldwide by a handful of billionaires. We are looking to you to get involved. One step at a time, together, we are capable of great things. Check out the global assembly’s website to register and read the program.

Don’t miss this chance to Ignite Change!

In solidarity,

Dave Bleakney
2nd National Vice-President