Thursday October 29 2020
In order for over-age dependants to qualify for benefits, the member must provide to Great West/Canada Life a document from a post-secondary institution as proof that the dependant is attending school on a full-time basis. Due to the pandemic, full-time students may be running into restrictions with their post-secondary institution and course offerings which prevent them from qualifying for benefits.
We raised this issue with Canada Post, and we have come to an agreement. Great West/Canada Life will consider exceptions on a case-by-case basis until December 31, 2020.
To provide an exception to the full-time status requirement, CPC will be asking plan members to provide a letter from the post-secondary institution. This letter will need to confirm that the usual courses required for the student’s full-time program are not being offered during this semester, which would explain why the student is unable to take a full course load, relevant to their program.
If you run into any difficulties, please contact your Local or Shop Steward.
In solidarity,
Joanne Gomercich
National Union Representative – Grievances