Friday March 5, 2021
Anytime our Collective Agreements is renewed/re-negotiated, the process of ensuring the interpretation of the language is clarified for both English and French. National CUPW has released the new Urban Ops version and our Local has posted a copy of the final version of the new Collective Agreement for the Urban bargaining unit to our website. The new RSMC collective agreement is still yet to be finalized and we will be posting a copy to our site asap. Hard copies for both bargaining unit members will be issued by the Local office upon receipt from our National Office.
This is a copy of the,
issued by our National CUPW office as a result of Arbitrator Elizabeth MacPherson’s decision after much discussion of evidence reviewed between our Union and the employer re: the new Urban Collective Agreement
Please click on the colored links to review .
We thank our National CUPW office, Negotiators, support staff, and to our CUPW members for participating in our Union’s efforts/activities to improve our working conditions with our employer.
In solidarity!