Thursday February 11 2021

The National Executive Board has declared a vacancy in the position of National Union Representative – Education Department – English language.

As per the provisions of section 3.35 of the National Constitution, the position will be filled at the special national meeting of April 17, 2021.

Nominations are now open for the position of National Union Representative – Education Department  – English language. Only members in good standing may seek election to this position.

Nominations must be:

  • Moved by a member in good standing;
  • In writing, signed by the mover;
  • Accepted by the candidate in writing and signed;
  • Received by the National Secretary-Treasurer by 17:00h (EST) on
    March 3, 2021

Beverly Collins
National Secretary-Treasurer, CUPW
377 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 1Y3
Fax: 613.563.7861

Those currently holding elected national or regional positions considering nomination for this position should review section 3.35 of the National Constitution.

If necessary, an election will be held by means of a virtual platform at simultaneous meetings on Saturday, April 17, 2021.

Should any individual holding a national or regional position accept nomination for this National Union Representative position, their position will be declared vacant and put up for nomination for a period of twenty (20) days. Election for that position will also be held on April 17th.

In solidarity,

Beverly Collins

National Secretary-Treasurer


Wednesday March 10 2021

This follows the February 11, 2021 call for nominations for the position of National Union Representative, Education – English language. We wish to advise there are three nominees:

In alphabetical order:

  • Sister Dodie Ferguson

Regina Local

  • Brother Todd Jarema

Winnipeg Local

  • Brother Inderjit Sidhu

Toronto Local

The National Executive Board, at its March 1 to 5 meeting, determined that the successful candidate must move to Ottawa, as per the provisions of the National Constitution.

As per the provisions of section 3.35 of the National Constitution, the position will be filled at the special national meeting of April 17, 2021.

Stay Well – Stay Safe!

In solidarity,

Beverly Collins

National Secretary-Treasurer