Wednesday April 7 2021

We are calling on CUPW Social Stewards to help us to promote the Special Needs and Moving On Projects with members in your workplace.

The Special Needs and Moving On are projects of the CUPW Child Care Fund. The Special Needs project supports members with young children (0 – 18 years) who have special needs. The Moving On Project supports members who have primary care responsibility for their adult daughters and sons with disabilities.


National research shows that over 10% of the population has a special need or disability.

We know there are many postal workers who could use the information and supports offered through these projects.

We need the help of the Social Stewards to get information about these two important projects directly into the hands of members who could benefit.


We have a plan to support Social Stewards to promote the Special Needs and Moving On Projects with the members you represent. This will include practical information and materials, developed for Social Stewards that you can also share with members.

1. To facilitate better communication with Social Stewards and the Special Needs Project Office we are asking you to complete a simple on-line form that includes your mailing address, email and phone number. The contact information you provide will be stored in a secure database housed with the Special Needs and Moving On Project. We will ensure full confidentiality of your information.

The process is safe and simple.

English Link:

French Link:

Click on the link and a form will pop-up. Input your contact information and hit submit.

2. We will be running a number of one-hour webinars and hope you will participate in one. It will give us a chance to meet and to talk about how the projects work and what you can do to help promote them.

Once we receive your email address, we will send out Zoom Invitations to the webinars. Please accept the invitation for the webinar that suits your availability.

The English webinars will be facilitated by the CUPW Child Care Coordinator, Shellie Bird and our Special Needs Project Coordinator, Gail Holdner.

The French webinars will be co-facilitated with Yves Henault, National Union Representative, Education (French). We hope you will join us and learn more about these important projects of the CUPW Child Care Fund.

In Solidarity,

Dave Bleakney
2e vice-président national