Tuesday October 26 2021
On October 6, the federal government announced that Crown Corporations like Canada Post would implement workplace vaccine policies that aligned with federal public service vaccination guidelines. Canada Post has now released its vaccination practice. The practice comes into effect October 29, 2021 and will apply nationally to all Canada Post employees, contractors, and visitors to Canada Post facilities.
What You Need to Know
- Members will have to “attest” their vaccination status between October 29 and November 12, 2021.
- Between November 12 and November 26, CPC will follow up with members who have not provided their vaccination status, to remind them that it is required to work. After November 26, members who refuse to comply will be deemed unwilling and be placed on Leave Without Pay.
- Members who are fully vaccinated will continue to report to work as usual.
- Members attesting as partially vaccinated or as intending to become fully vaccinated, must be fully vaccinated by January 29, 2022. These members will continue to work, but will be required to perform rapid testing prior to entering the workplace twice a week until they are fully vaccinated.
- Those who attest as unable to be vaccinated* will have to provide relevant information to CPC so their accommodation requests can be evaluated.
- Those who attest as unwilling to be vaccinated, or considered as such under the practice, will be placed on Leave Without Pay.
- Rapid testing will not be available for members who are unwilling to be vaccinated.
*Members who cannot be vaccinated for reasons that meet any of the relevant prohibited grounds of the Canadian Human Rights Act will be accommodated. You have the right to full Union representation throughout this accommodation process and CUPW will ensure your rights are protected.
If you’re unable, or unwilling to be fully vaccinated, we will be communicating more details about your requirements and/or options. The vast majority of members are fully vaccinated, and we continue to encourage vaccination as the best way to protect yourself, your family and co-workers. We will continue to ensure our workplaces are safe and defend your rights.
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In Solidarity,