Tuesday February 1 2022
To: Local Presidents,
Subject: Mask Purchase Motion
Dear Sisters:
Dear Brothers:
Dear Friends:
The National Executive Board has passed a motion to reimburse Locals for half the cost of providing N95 or equivalent masks for members to wear at work.
Following the recent conflicts between members who wish to provide their own N95 masks and their supervisors, CUPW has decided to be more proactive about face coverings. We must continue to do all we can to prevent spread of the Coronavirus-19 in our workplaces.
The motion carried by the NEB reads:
“That the NEB authorize spending under 9.37 of the CUPW National Constitution. For the purchase of approved N-95 or equivalent masks, to be distributed to members actively working. The NEB further authorizes that up to 50% of the locals spending will be reimbursed by CUPW National. Additional funding may be granted to those Locals that are able to demonstrate true financial hardship. Such appeals shall be made in writing to the respective national director.”
Any Locals that wish to provide masks for members must provide receipts to the National Secretary-Treasurer to claim your rebate. If your Local has financial hardship, and cannot afford to purchase N95 masks, please contact your Region’s National Director who may consider further reimbursement.
The NEB also resolved to file a national policy grievance given Canada Post Corporation’s handling of the dispute over what kinds of masks members may wear at work, claiming, as remedy, the full cost of providing these masks.
Please be aware that:
a) There are Canadian-made options to be found, we encourage those;
b) There may be counterfeit or uncertified N95 masks in circulation. Know what you are purchasing. See the Government of Canada advisory: Fraudulent and unauthorized N95 respirators may not protect consumers against COVID-19 https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/fraudulent-and-unauthorized-n95-respirators-may-not-protect-consumers-against-covid-19;
c) And only purchase masks that are marked NIOSH approved.
In solidarity,