Production has begun on CUPW’s archival history project. The project involves interviews with upwards of 20 retired union activists and staff, about their involvement and recollections during key moments in the Union’s development and direction during the thirty-year period between 1970 to 2000.
The aim of the project is to collect as many views as possible, and direct expressions of those views from living memory. It will be curated and preserved by the union in an archive of material.
While the video archive will be rich source material for researchers and labour historians of the future, there is no intent at this stage to package or frame the content, or to tell any single story of the union and its adventures.
In time, histories, academic studies and even a documentary film could emerge that would begin to shape the material –– an expected 80 hours of interviews –– into coherent historical narratives.
The interviews began in early April, they should be completed by mid-summer with activists participating from all regions.
In Solidarity,