To all Urban Ops brothers / sisters,
Subject: Postal Transformation Depot Restructures – Major / Minor
Every few years, a community experiences changes in population growth and mail/parcel volume growth that Canada Post recieves thru their data collection processes. Canada Post reviews such information and then sets their Depot restructure schedules each year.
As per Art. 47.02, the Corp. has to provide our National CUPW office of what Depots will be implemented for restructuring exercises. Our Local will be notified if we have any scheduled. Since we don’t have MSC routes ( Mail Service Courier ) in our Local, they are for the most part created in the Vancouver Local.
– What is a Depot restructure mean?
A- This means that if a Depot (s) is scheduled for what they call a “Plan A”, it usually triggers all of the processes found in Art. 47. If however, it was a “Plan B”, this means their is no volume count prior to them rebuilding all the routes in the Depot.
Q – Is there a CUPW Union Observer allowed to watch them during the entire process?
A – Yes, as per the provisions in Art. 47.03. Our Local appoints a qualified CUPW Observer whose role is to follow the various steps of their entire data collection and processing of all internal/external information. To be able to communicate with our members as to the ongoing processes of the restructure. Obtain completed forms used by their Route Measurement officers. Participate in all the consultations
Q – Is there any opportunity to be a CUPW Local Knowledge person during a restructure?
A – Yes. Preferably a person who is strongly familiar with the routes in the Depot.
Q – Will our Local be presenting a “Get to know your Route Course” for Urban/RSMC’s?
A – Yes & No. The Pacific Regional CUPW has such a course that may/may not be scheduled each Spring as part of our mandated Union Spring Educationals. If there isn’t such a course scheduled, our Local will try to facilitate one within our budget.
Our Local will post more information on the kinds of information that can be obtained and how you can read the necessary information that affects your routes.
If you have any concerns/questions, please send them to president@royalcity.ca