Monday December 4 2017
To all CUPW Urban Ops Members,
During the last round of negotiations, the Union and Canada Post agreed to switch from current payroll to arrears payroll for full-time Urban Operations members. This change will occur in January 2018 and will not impact the amount of your pay.

Why is This Changing?
Currently, only full-time Urban Operations members are paid using current payroll. Your pay is currently calculated and processed in advance of the work being performed, however overtime, householder payments, shift premiums and other allowances are paid in arrears. This current payroll system causes errors and pay adjustments because the cut-off time for adjustments is well in advance of your pay date. The pay in arrears system should eliminate many of these adjustments.
How Will This Change Impact You?
Most of you should not notice any difference in your pay. The first pay date in 2018 is January 11. Your pay on this date will be called a ‘Transition Payment’. Your regular pay (hours worked) will show as a transition payment and your pay will also include any overtime, shift premiums, rest period allowance, householder payments and meal allowances for the period of December 17 to 30, 2017.
The January 25, 2018 pay date will cover hours worked between December 31, 2017 and January 13, 2018 as well as all premiums and allowances for this period. It is important to remember that this ‘Transition Payment’ will be recovered from your final pay when you leave Canada Post or permanently transfer to APOC, PSAC, Management or CPAA. There will be a reminder of this balance owing on your pay statements.
What Happens if You Are on Leave?
If you are off work on a long-term unpaid leave (i.e. Union Leave – Unpaid, Long Term Disability, Maternity/Parental Leave or personal leave without pay) you will not receive this ‘Transition Payment’ and will revert to pay in arrears when you return to work. This means that you will have to wait for two weeks after the end of the first pay period when you return to work before you get paid. If you are off work on STDP or Workers’ Compensation, you will receive the transition payment (70% for STDP and full pay if you are on WCB) Canada Post is still finalizing information regarding employees that are on the EI portion of the STDP.
Rona Eckert
CUPW National Union Representative – Consultation