Thursday February 1 2018
Last night, at a town hall meeting in Winnipeg, the Prime Minister was asked a question about bullying, harassment and intimidation of workers at Canada Post. The audience member pointed out “When they should be industry-leading on how to treat workers, they are industry leaders on how to intimidate, harass and bully their employees.”
Of course, this issue is not new to us. We have heard many horror stories from members, and in some way every one of us has been affected by bully-bosses. We know that there is a problem on our work floors.
Mr. Trudeau took responsibility and vowed to take action on the issue.
“…a crown corporation that’s something that’s in the responsibility of the federal government, that’s something that I particularly take extremely seriously and I commit to you that I will follow up on what you’re talking about…”
He finished his comment saying “It’s not okay. It’s never okay. And I’m sorry about that sir.”
We are happy to hear that the Prime Minister takes this issue as seriously as we do. That’s why today, we have sent a letter to the Prime Minister asking for a meeting to follow up on this commitment.
We need your help to do this. We know it is never easy to come forward on issues of bullying and harassment. But we also know that every person that does becomes part of the solution. We are asking you today to share your stories with us, so we can help address this issue.
If you feel you have been bullied or harassed at work, please send us your story of what happened.
By Mail
Bully Bosses
377 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 1Y3
By email
In Solidarity,
Mike Palecek
National CUPW President