Friday April 6 2018

True job security is based on secure, valuable and predictable work, and insuring the future of our work.

Service Expansion, New Services and Contracting-In

We submitted many ideas to the postal service review – postal banking, rural broadband, expanded retail and services to seniors. These are just a few of the ideas that would help preserve the postal system’s relevance and dependability for the public. Many of them would bring in new revenue for Canada Post, which would help protect jobs. Expanding the range and value of our work is a way to reinforce real job security.

Over the years CUPW has been successful in contracting in work, such as parcels and vehicle maintenance.   In this round of bargaining we want to contract in more maintenance, delivery and other postal related work that our members are able to do.

No Contracting-Out

Keeping the integrity of our bargaining unit work is essential to preventing job cuts and deterioration of working conditions. Protections against contracting out in the Urban collective agreement need to be improved and extended to RSMCs.

Jobs, Safety and Work/Life Balance

We welcome growth and new services because this is key to protecting our jobs and providing better service to the public. We must ensure that this work is done safely, prevents overburdening and promotes work/life balance.

Job security is much more than an article in a collective agreement – it’s a long view of the future and the value of our work. This round of negotiations advances our vision in numerous ways, and your job security is always at the foundation of our objectives.


Together We Secure Our Future!


Sylvain Lapointe
Chief Negotiator, Urban Unit
Nancy Beauchamp
Chief Negotiator, RSMC Bargaining Unit