Thursday April 19 2018
The Negotiating Committee has been meeting with Canada Post negotiators since January, as part of the mediation process requested by the Union. We are using a mediator from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services to help the parties reach an agreement.
Issues Dealt With
Some of the demands are not suitable for the mediation process at this time, for example, wage increases and protection against inflation. On the other hand, certain demands have been discussed on several occasions given their complexity. We have submitted our requirements and the potential solutions regarding adding new services, job security, overburdening, and access to the information. We need information to enforce work rules and to verify the hours of work related to internal staffing. We have also submitted our demands concerning the need to create full-time positions when they are warranted by part-time and temporary hours worked. The issues of equality for RSMCs and getting better working conditions for all groups are also high priorities.
These issues are only a few of those that have been dealt with so far. Listing all of the demands we are dealing with in a single bulletin would be impossible. Rest assured your Negotiating Committee is working hard to resolve the problems we are facing on the work floor.
Next Step…
The meetings with Canada Post will continue and intensify. We are at an important juncture in negotiations, which means working out concrete solutions to improve working conditions. We are committed to completing these negotiations in the coming weeks.
Your Support is Key to Our Success!
Many locals have already held support activities that have been noticed and very much appreciated. It is important to keep these activities going and step up the pressure so Canada Post gets the message that you support your Negotiating Committee and your demands.
Together for the better working conditions we deserve!
Sylvain Lapointe
Chief Negotiator, Urban Unit
Nancy Beauchamp,
Chief Negotiator, RSMC Bargaining Unit