Wednesday March 28 2018

As the world around us gets busier, more hectic and our work/life balance is becoming unbalanced, sometimes we need someone to turn to that we know and trust. In some cases the stress levels can become unbearable. Social stewards are trained and will listen. The idea of social stewards is not new, but now is the time to have them recognized in our collective agreement.


What is a Social Steward?

A social steward’s role is to engage in active listening and to be a resource for people in need.  A social steward is not a counsellor. A social steward is available when one of us is struggling and doesn’t know where to turn. The social steward will listen to you and then refer you to a person or a resource that will be able to provide further guidance.

Our goal is to continue to build a social steward network and to have recognition in the collective agreement. The objective is not to replace the employee assistance program (EAP) but to provide additional options.


Peers Assisting Each Other

It can be more comfortable approaching one of your co-workers (peers) when you are struggling or just need someone to talk to. Social stewards are trained and will maintain strict confidentiality. This is why the social steward model makes so much sense. It is based on having people we trust, who are trained, available to listen and refer us to the right places for help.

Social Stewards – A Solution That Works!



Nancy Beauchamp
Chief Negotiator, RSMC Bargaining Unit

Sylvain Lapointe
Chief Negotiator, Urban Unit