Wednesday May 2 2018
The pay equity arbitration hearings are over and we are now waiting for arbitrator Flynn to render her decision. She has informed the parties that we can expect a decision within 30 days.
CUPW’s Position is Simple, Logical and Reflects Reality
CUPW maintains that RSMCs perform work of equal value to letter carriers and therefore should receive the same compensation (direct wages) and benefits (indirect wages) as letter carriers. We are proposing the award be fully retroactive to January 1, 2016. We are also proposing eligibility for post-retirement benefits would be based upon an employee’s continuous service date calculated from January 1, 2004 forward. In the Union’s 138-page final submission, CUPW provided comprehensive arguments to support our position that RMS hours are used to determine RSMCs basic pay (excluding variables) and therefore must be used as the basis for wage comparison with the letter carriers. CUPW also made submissions detailing the additional compensation for variables required to provide equal compensation for this work.
CPC Says RSMCs Currently Receive More Compensation Than Letter Carriers
The position of Canada Post management is that RSMCs should receive nothing.
CPC says that, based on their pay for point of call methodology, RSMCs currently receive more direct wages than letter carriers per point of call. In their final argument in front of Arbitrator Flynn CPC stated:
“Even taking into account the differences between RSMCs and letter carriers with respect to indirect wages (non-monetary benefits), as direct compensation is greater than the value of the difference for indirect pay, there is no overall wage gap between RSMCs and letter carriers, based on the pay per point of call analysis.”
RSMC Deserve Justice
We believe that the mountains of evidence that were provided to Arbitration Flynn clearly demonstrates the legitimacy of the Union’s position. It is time that RSMCs receive justice and all postal workers are treated with dignity and respect.
Stay informed: we will inform you of any developments as soon as they occur.
In Solidarity!
Members of the Pay Equity Committee,
Nancy Beauchamp
Pay Equity Committee Member
Barb McMillan
Pay Equity Committee Member
Cathy Kennedy
Pay Equity Committee Member