Our CUPW Royal City Local has moved in late July 2018 to our new home located in Maple Ridge BC. Our old office was sold and our Local had discussions at our General Meetings in regards to how to be more centralized to our members. Our Local Executive had been researching for a new home and that required minimal work so that the Local Executive can operate with our daily Local business operations.
Our new location is #103-22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge BC V2X 2T4. Our office phone and fax numbers continue to remain the same. And our Local cell number is also the same as before. For the most part, this new location is more user friendly in so far as access for all our members as well.

*** Our new Local Office is tentatively planning to host an Open House in late August. A bulletin will be sent out and posted to our website as to the details.
We have had a few changes to our Local Executive and we welcome and congratulate the following into their respective roles,
- Alvaro De La Cruz – President
- Brooke Mousseau – Vice – President
- Leanne Belton – Grievance Officer
- Jeff Juraski – Exec. Chief Shop Steward
- Carla Smith – SecTreasurer
If you need to contact any of these officers, please see our Contact tab @https://royalcity.ca/ for further information. As always, the Local Executive will get back to your enquiries.
Lastly, thanks to those who have assisted with preparing and helping to have our new Local office up and running.
In solidarity.