Thursday April 4 2019
Day 8 of the arbitration started with the cross examination of letter carrier and negotiating committee member, Stephen Gale.
The next witness was Roland Dandy, a letter carrier from Hamilton, ON. Roland testified about having to work overtime on his route almost every day. He attributed this to heavy volumes of parcels and the preparation and delivery of neighbourhood mail. There will be testimony from two experts on one bundle delivery and percentage of coverage.
Roland was followed by Director of Research and member of the negotiating committee, Geoff Bickerton who testified on the history of the RSMC organizing, the first collective agreement and the three reopeners.
On April 10 and 23 the arbitration will continue with some of the RSMC issues.
We estimate that it will take at least 10 more hearing days to present all the Union’s evidence on the matters in dispute. This does not take into account the Corporation’s cross examination of our witnesses.
After that, Canada Post will present its evidence and then there will be final arguments. Minister Hajdu granted Arbitrator MacPherson’s first request to extend her appointment.
Your Actions Are Needed
We need to send messages to Canada Post’s new President and CEO Doug Ettinger to get him to tell his negotiator’s to get back to the table and negotiate. Send letters, make phone calls, send emails and be heard.