Monday September 21 2020

Canada Post Finally Provides a Timeline for Employees on Workers Compensation Board (WCB) for the Retroactive Period

It has been 11 months since the “phase 3” retro payment for pay equity was paid out by CPC. Following this payment, CPC was to work on getting payment to RSMCs who were off work on Injury on Duty (IOD) and receiving payment from provincial WCB. This impacts over 1,000 RSMCs. The Union has been pushing CPC to provide us with information about this payment since the award was rendered. CPC has finally provided the Union with an estimated timeline.


CPC estimated that full final implementation will take between 8 and 12 weeks.

Since three (3) provinces, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, will not make retroactive adjustments, it will be necessary to pull each individual’s earnings using the existing data and manually pay each RSMC employee the required amount, with an additional sum to account for tax implications. They will be paid directly by CPC.  Everyone else will receive payment directly from their province’s or Territories’ WCB.

We have been after Canada Post to provide payment to the RSMCs and have objected to this delay. If it is delayed any further, we will go back in front of Arbitrator Flynn.


In Solidarity,

Nancy Beauchamp
Implementation Committee

Barbara McMillan
Implementation Committee