Monday May 23, 2022

Today marks the 1st anniversary of the 215+ missing children on the sampling of the traditional unceded Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc lands in Kamloops B.C. We come today to  honor and remember these children and the survivors of the horrific injustices upon these First Nations peoples. These peoples deserve their rightful apology and to acknowledge the wrongful deaths of these mssing children not just here in B.C. but elsewhere in Canada where there are residential schools as well. Only then can they begin their process towards their spiritual, physical and physiological self healing. And that our prayers of this devastating atrocity never happens again.

We also need to not only honor these First Nations people, but to also learn and understand their cultural histories and for our country to follow the important Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: 94 Calls to Action immediately.

To learn more about the missing 215+ here :  For those unable to attend today’s ceremonials’ 1st anniversary in person, you can catch the live event here: Tk̓emlúps Pow Wow Arbour

To learn more about the Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc here: