Friday February 23 2018
As we always take the necessary steps to ensure that only members perform any duties within the bargaining unit under any circumstances, our demands during this round clearly defines Canada Post’s obligation and our expectation to have all work contracted in for all classifications.
The Need, The Concern?
We know that Canada Post keeps contracting out work that we are capable of, and should be doing. Jobs within Groups 3 & 4 have disappeared, and further been contracted out without any justification. Our members have the training, the knowledge, and the expertise to fulfill these responsibilities. From building maintenance to heavy vehicle repair. The work is there, but the employer’s agenda undermines this very simple logic to have its employees do the work.
During this round of negotiations, our goal is to have Canada Post improve and expand services for all groups. We must look into the future with determination that will focus on developing new jobs with innovation now, not years from now. Our demands have the mindset of real change, which reflects new ideas and new opportunities.
We deserve ownership of all jobs!
In Solidarity,
Nancy Beauchamp
Chief Negotiator, RSMC Bargaining Unit
Sylvain Lapointe
Chief Negotiator, Urban Unit