Thursday October 1, 2020
The challenge of our generation will be getting through the pandemic and putting a halt to the climate crisis. As we prepare for a meaningful and Just Recovery for people and for the planet, we must seize the moment to impart CUPW’s ideas for expanding services, and reducing Canada Post’s carbon footprint. The content of the recent speech from the Throne is significant and CUPW will take full advantage of this moment to make our vision take hold broadly.
Under the umbrella of Delivering Community Power, CUPW is excited to announce that we are launching a new chapter called “Fighting to Win Expanded Services”. This new initiative will be robust and include important actions to promote Delivering Community Power and ensure it is on everyone’s lips in the weeks and months ahead.
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CUPW has been fortunate in having a lot of help from our members, activists, allies and the public in ensuring our campaign gained ground. We have some solid advocates who promote our vision whenever they can. For instance,
David Suzuki has spoken highly of our vision, and continues to want to partner with CUPW in fighting to make it a reality. We have all have worked hard to spread the vision, and we have had some success.
There has never been a more auspicious and urgent time to double down on our efforts. Just when the Federal Government commits to a massive investment in the manufacture of e-vehicles, helping seniors remain safely in their homes for longer, investing in retrofits of homes and buildings, and creating new jobs, in line with Delivering Community Power, we must insist that Canada Post take up our appeal to bolster and expand services, create community hubs and introduce postal banking.
Our President was eloquent in her blog when she said: “The planet is burning.( Indeed, we have no choice but to act now to halt the crisis of our lifetime. Much needs to be accomplished in a narrow window of time.
Stay tuned to find out how we will roll-out this new chapter and go big on Delivering Community Power to win expanded services, and a greener Post. There will be webinars in which to take part, all sorts of actions in which to become involved, and even a symposium bringing in all the key players, to help make this a reality.
In Solidarity,
Jean-Philippe Grenier
3rd National Vice-President