Wednesday October 14 2020
CUPW is proud to share its latest documentary, Justice and Dignity for All: Stories from the Struggle for Pay Equity, and invites all members to a special premiere screening of the film on Sunday, October 25th at 4 pm ET by way of Zoom. (If you don’t have Zoom, you can download this video and audio platform to your device by clicking on the following button. Simply sign up and its a free app.)
This is the inspiring tale of the forty-year effort by the Rural and Suburban Mail Carriers to gain the most significant pay equity settlement in Canadian history – from poverty wages and no benefits, to more respect and dignity at the workplace.Among the many proud achievements of CUPW in its long history, the unionization of RSMCs in 2003, and the pay equity agreement the Union forced from a reluctant employer two years ago, are among our proudest.
In Justice and Dignity for All, you’ll meet some of the activists who’ll tell of the energizing experiences of the victories and the many heartbreaking defeats and setbacks along this road. Their cause was just, but only their persistence and the support of CUPW were our sisters and brothers able to overcome the employer’s determined resistance to implement pay equity for the RSMCs.
Following the premiere there will be a panel discussion about the film and the struggle for unionization and pay equity for RSMCs. Panelists will include RSMCs Nancy Beauchamp, Veronica Linton, and Sylvie Pedneault, as well as Deborah Bourque, former CUPW President.
In a world where women workers continue to be undervalued and underpaid, the story of rural and suburban mail carriers’ fight for unionization and equal pay is as vital today as it was when they first started organizing.
We hope you will join us for this event!
In solidarity,
Dave Bleakney
2nd Vice President